BeyondTrust Privilege Management FAQs

BeyondTrust Privilege Management FAQs

These FAQs will answer the most common questions about BeyondTrust privilege management software.

On this page:

Q - What is BeyondTrust privilege management software?

A - BeyondTrust Privilege Management lets IT assign rights and permissions to the software you install.  With BeyondTrust, you can install software from an approved list without any prompts or requests for administrative privileges.  You won't have to contact the helpdesk to perform these updates or installations for you, letting you focus on what's important to you.

Q - How can I tell if BeyondTrust Privilege Management is running on my computer?

A - To identify if BeyondTrust is installed, its icon will appear in your system notification area as an orange shield, as shown below.  

Q - How will I know if software I'm installing is approved or unapproved?

A - If, after BeyondTrust is installed, you install software that isn't on the approved list, you will be prompted to allow the software to install or cancel the installation, as shown below.  Software on the approved list will not prompt you and will install as expected.   

Q - What happens if I try to install unapproved software?

A - If software you're installing isn't on the approved list, don't worry, you can still install it, but it will be logged and reviewed by IT.  IT may determine that the software needs to be added to the approved list or may determine the software shouldn't be installed at all.

Q - What do I do if I'm trying to install legitimate software but it shows as unapproved?

A - If the software you're installing is legitimate but not approved, you can still install it.  IT will review the software and add it to the list of approved software so next time there won't be a prompt when installing the software.

Q - What should I do if I need more help with BeyondTrust software?

A - Log into the IT Service Desk portal and submit a support request using support options shown below.